Category: Bikes

blix bike vika electric folding bike

It’s small but mighty. The Blix Bike Vika+ is an electric folding bike with a 35 mile range that’s small enough to fit in your trunk or closet. The bike tops out at 18 mph and recharges in 3 hours. For lower center of gravity, the battery is mounted under the saddle.

balance bike by wishbone

This 3-in-1 No Pedal Balance Bike is made from 100% post-consumer recycled materials. Lightweight and stable, this bike grows with your child, adjusting from a three-wheel baby walker to a toddler trike, to a two-wheel balance bike. For kids 1 to 5 years old.

electric bicycle phantom xr prodecotech

Built in the USA, ProdecoTech’s Phantom XR electric bicycle is considered to be one of the most aggressive and affordable e-bikes. Its 14.25Ah battery coupled with a 600 Watt geared motor tops this bike out at 20mph, over a 35 mile range.
